Richie aprile son. He has trouble with the ladies at the Bing in his welcome home party. Richie aprile son

 He has trouble with the ladies at the Bing in his welcome home partyRichie aprile son Corrado Soprano, Jr

In 1995, Jackie Aprile became acting boss of the. Richie Aprile is the older brother of former boss Jackie Aprile Sr. Immediately after the strippers leave he’s super sad. She is a fictional character on the HBO television series, The Sopranos. The first thing is when the Bing stripper is giving him some beej in the back room and the lights are off. Carmella eating chocolates and talking with a higher pitch, almost seeming like an oblivious, naïve schoolgirl. Actor: Mean Streets. John Magaro portrays a young Silvio Dante in the 2021 prequel film, The Many Saints of Newark . from. Paulie Walnuts told me he ran into you this morning. He busts a nut and pays her. He's not as crazy as he used to be. By the start of Season 1, DiMeo is in ailing health and is serving a. Spenser Granese’s portrayal will presumably include Gaeta’s early life in crime. Richie Aprile's death was foreshadowed brilliantly. Ralph was a crazy bastard for sure, but he was intelligent enough to rationalize with. After Junior reveals to Tony that Richie Aprile (David proval) is planning to kill him, Tony asks why Richie would trust Junior with that information. What Sil said about his son being disowned seems inconsistent to the reality. Title reference [ ] The episode's title is a quote made by Irina about her cousin Svetlana's American fiancé, Bill, who treats her well, apparently a confused paraphrasing of the term "knight in shining armor" and the Moody Blues. Is this not very strange to recall a man by his height and weight stats ?Well, Tony didn't go out of his way to destroy them. Not quite 20 but still. He made you uneasy when he came on screen. I just can’t really think of any truly ‘smart’ calls made by Richie. Christopher also showed respect for Richie when they first met siting his brother Jackie, and stating how he'd heard a lot about Richie as well. Tony rules against Richie way to many times, Richie dies it's not worth, he tries to kill him but the thing is at that time Tony was still good Boss somewhat and people didn't want to betray him. Disclaimer: All copyrights belong to HBO. şükela. Harpo (son) Domenica Baccalieri (daughter) Bobby Baccalieri III (step-son) Sophia Baccalieri (step-daughter) Religion: Roman Catholic Buddhist. -You have Richard Aprile Jr, he doesn't strike me as someone who would have time for kids, given how obsessed he is with the balroom dancing, or would find the prospect of raising them limiting/damaging to his career. Richie, Feech and Ralph all created the same sort of challenges for Tony while Phil was relentless and straight up out for blood. Sirico has two children, a daughter and a son. Tony, Silvio And Carlo Discuss Vito, The Sopranos HD"Upon Richie's release from jail in 2000, the new boss (Uncle Junior) and underboss (Tony Soprano) allowed certain members of the Aprile crew to return to New Jersey. and Mariangela D'Agostino Soprano, Italian immigrants who came over from the town of Avellino, Italy in 1911. Tony eventually became the de facto boss when Jackie died, although he. Why H. But that makes a little more sense, the son of a mob boss (like AJ) is likely going to end up spoiled and thinking he knows more about the world than he does. But Jackie and Richie are brothers, they were brought up the same, yet it seems like they couldn’t be any different from one another. The son of former DiMeo crime family acting boss, Jackie Sr, attempts to rise up the ranks against Tony's wishes and ends up getting killed. . Usually. Her high school boyfriend, Richie Aprile, is a DiMeo crime family capo who is released from prison around the same time. Cuando Richie salió de prisión, él y Janice reanudaron su antigua relación y finalmente se comprometieron. " When his parishioner (on the president senior staff) shares the president's conflict about staying an execution, Proval replies that (the Bible notwithstanding) he himself opposes the death penalty, just as he does. Mikey Palmice 10 episodes, 1999-2004 Karen Young. The DiMeo crime family is believed to have been formed in Northern New Jersey in the 1940s. Rosalie is the widow of DiMeo crime family acting boss Jackie Aprile Sr, and the mother of Jackie Jr. He was also the older brother of former DiMeo acting boss Jackie, Sr. Richie Aprile . Some sad shit, motherfucker said he put it back in drive. / 2 ». Written by Diane Frolov, Andrew Schneider, and David Chase, and directed by Tim Van Patten, it originally aired on May 21, 2006. Also, the thing about characters on the show is they're all lying constantly. 's older brother, who is paroled from prison after a 10-year sentence. Tony pressured Cifaretto into ordering Jackie's death; Vito. Richie was dating the boss’s sister, and Tony and Janice had their lifelong dysfunctional relationship to deal with. The Aprile Crew is a crew within the DiMeo Crime Family. Edit: Major theme in this series, is self loathing. After the departure of Richie Aprile, a scheming, psychotic mobster played by a well-known character actor is introduced at the beginning of Season 3 and starts to butt heads with Tony. She was the niece of DiMeo family mobsters Jackie and Richie Aprile on her mother's side, and they were both very protective of her, which. Richie Aprile wasn’t just a made man, he went away as a capo. . Beansie Gaeta was played in the series by Paul Herman. So no, I couldn't take Ritchie in anything. Following 2004, he is made Capo of his own crew. Disclaimer: All copyrights belong to HBO. As Tony Soprano's childhood friend and former mentor, Richie's return to the fold significantly altered the power dynamics within the New Jersey mafia scene, fueling. Ralphie fight. Melfi tells Tony that his most powerful sexual attractions are to women who remind. Where Dickie enacts his urges, Tony denies them. Biography []. In Janice's very first appearance, she initially tells Tony and Carmela to go easy on Meadow after finding her drunk at a party. Now, we know for sure that Richie did not ever converse with his son after the. In the series, Livia exhibits a strong dislike for her son. . Richie Aprile Was the older brother of Dimeo Crime Family boss Jackie Aprile. In a show full of sociopaths, I think Richie Aprile takes the cake for being the most evil person on the show. Janice animaba con frecuencia a Richie a desafiar a Tony, porque quería casarse con el jefe. The Sopranos is the show that turned HBO into must-watch TV long before Game of Thrones ever appeared and the death toll on the long-running mobster series is very similar to what fans of Westeros are used to seeing. CryptoRichie Aprile, stariji brat izvršnog šefa obitelji DiMeo Jackieja Aprilea, bio je kapetan u obitelji prije nego što je završio u zatvoru osuđen na deset godina. That and how ashamed he was of his son being a dancer. Richie was a capo and the older brother of former DiMeo crime family acting boss Jackie Aprile, Sr. The. He is portrayed by Richard Maldone. The son of former DiMeo crime family acting boss, Jackie Sr, attempts to rise up the ranks against Tony’s wishes and ends up getting killed. Proval had to fight to make the part his own. Season 4: Ralph Cifaretto; Season 5: Adriana La Cerva21442 posts. Richard "Richie" Aprile, from the old school, doesn't explain himself because he got out of the can and he's entitled to something. The DiMeo crime family is believed to have been formed in Northern New Jersey in the 1940s. When Tony comes by his mom’s house to see Janice, Richie opens the door and looks Tony right in the eye. In fact, like her older sister, Barbara also leaves the family to pursue a legitimate life with a good man. Ercole Soprano had a son, Corrado John Soprano Sr, who married Mariangela D'Agostino, neither of whom appeared on the show. He is currently set to appear in the independent. He is based on DeCavalcante crime family acting. Junior is the lead character Tony Soprano's uncle,. Richie Aprile : [Confused] For that I'm losing a fuckin bid? Tony Soprano : Next time you'll find yourself in the back of one of your trucks. Eventually, Richie reaches his limits after learning that his son is possibly gay. -Saved a young Rory MacDonald the hassle of bringing him a veal. He may be a toxshic pershun but he didn. It can be presumed that Beansie was able to pocket a lot of the cash he made in the trade and saved it up to create the pizza joints. . Ralph as Capo is a powerhouse. Richard “Richie” Aprile Sr. richie aprile. Ie, he’s ultra sensitive about it and perhaps trying to maintain his macho image. was present when Richie had his meetings with Tony and Uncle June (even though both of them showed Jackie Jr. Richie eventually tried to escape Parchman along with Blue, but. He got genuine pleasure out of torturing Beansie. Listen to the Renzulli interview on The Sopranos Show pod. G because for whatever reason in that scene Pauile mentions Tony mom and nursing home, Tony probably flipped at that moment. Christopher Moltisanti is an integral part of The Sopranos with plenty of tragic baggage. Season 1: Corrado "Junior" Sopranos. Inspired by a comment from u/NewMongoose5225 (credit where due), it is important to note that Richie Aprile did not in fact disown his son as Silvio thought. He took on the role after longtime reputed Boss Ercole 'Eckley' DiMeo was sent to prison in 1995. DiMeo ran the family for decades, starting in the early 1940’s, until he received a sentence of life imprisonment in 1995, at which point Jackie Aprile became acting boss. Monetization is disabled on this channel. Tony may have loved Jackie like a brother but everyone else was fair game on account of. Ralph was way worse. Corrado Soprano, Jr. The last conversation Richie has with Janice before getting killed/going into the program is about his son wanting money and maybe coming to the wedding. He is portrayed by Steven Van Zandt. His reign is marred by acts of tyranny where he taxes untouchable businesses and keeps most of the profits for himself. , aka Jackie Jr. Richie didn’t break his legs or act violently, he simply made a reasonable request to get caught up and then he’s free to play at other mob games. The real damsel in distress, though, is Janice, who, having hitched her carriage to the recently paroled Richie Aprile, realizes that (1) the little guy is not up to the task of taking over Tony. David Proval brilliantly portrays Richie as a blunt, brutal man. Giacomo Michael "Jackie" Aprile (1955-1998) was the boss of the DiMeo crime family from 1995 to 1998, succeeding Ercoli DiMeo and preceding Junior Soprano. Monetization is disabled on this channel. ago. Less than a season later, Janice returns to the Garden State and. Almost no wit. When Richie Aprile wanted to make a move against Tony Soprano, he approached Albert (who was acting capo at the time) for support, expecting sympathy since both of them had asked Tony for control over garbage routes and been rejected. Richie Aprile, doing downward facing dog . Giacomo Michael Aprile Jr. "Second Opinion" S3E7. Between the two assaults on Beansie, Richie meets with Uncle Junior and pledges his loyalty to him. Why did Richie Aprile hate beansie? Richie claims Beansie owes him money. In fact, he was brought into the DiMeo crime family before Tony, with a leather jacket he got by beating up the bigger Rocco. Irishbreakfastea says, “he was a textbook. An interview with the great David Proval we got to talk about #thesopranos #meanstreets #shawshankredemption and more. Larry Romano is an American actor, comedian, and voice artist. ), an ambitious young upstart and his partner Sean Gismonte (Chris Tardio) decided to throw their lot in with Richie. The Hypocrisy of Richie Aprile. Or Richard. Richie happens to meet Janice at a yoga class and begins trying to revive the relationship they had years ago. Richie Aprile Appreciation Thread. In Season 2, Episode 12 ("The Knight in White Satin Armor"), Janice shoots and kills her fiancé, Richie Aprile (David Proval). Apart from that and numerous other shit Richie Aprile tried to be good. Richie Character Analysis. As a matter of fact, on The Sopranos, the deaths were often as dirty and horrifying as those on Game of Thrones. Jackie's uncle Richie Aprile has disappeared — Jackie believes that Tony had Richie killed, and Tony knows this. himself was kept away from the family business by his. Richie was one of those type of mobsters that would cuase a stir in the room, in a bad way when he entered. Is the fact that he got whacked by Janice. she let him hold a gun to her head during sex. Audio fix version here: Jr Can't stop Bringing up his Father. Proval was born in Brooklyn, New York of Jewish. He was getting whacked one way or the other. He's a great earner, and he likely makes good money. Would Richie Aprile have kept Jackie, Jr. Agent Dwight Harris says that during world war 2, they assisted the military in protecting the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Richie aprile SPOILER . Soprano faced. Paul Herman first appears as Beansie Gaeta in The Sopranos season 2, episode 3 (“Toodle-Fucking-Oo”). , he became. He is an associate of the DiMeo crime family and was a member of the Aprile crew. I also think it’s interesting how he didn’t mind Christopher being about that life. After serving 10 years in prison, Richie Aprile (David Proval) believes that Beansie owes him money, due to being mentored as a drug dealer. , Richie's nephew and the son of his late friend Jackie Aprile. Jackie Aprile, Jr. He is. Albert Barese 10 episodes, 2000-2004 John BiancoRichie Aprile proved to be the right role at the right time, although “Sopranos” producers didn’t see it that way at the beginning. Richie Aprile was born in Newark, New Jersey in 1945 to an Italian family, the older brother of Jackie Aprile Sr. Silvio suggests the death sentence as he and Tony discuss Richie Aprile's ambition. Additionally, his character serves as an embodiment of toxic masculinity and the challenges it poses in forging meaningful connections. 188. In fact, Tony wanted Jackie Aprile Jr. And he has no fear whatsoever. Meanwhile, Melfi's problems boil over while eating dinner with her son. He also encounters Jackie Jr. After getting reacquainted, his childhood friend, Davey Scantino, asks Tony to play in his high stakes "executive" poker game. Disclaimer: All copyrights belong to HBO. For an unknown reason, Richie was sent to prison and was angered that his associate Beansie Gaeta never came to visit. When DiMeo street boss Tony Soprano insisted to DiMeo capo Richie Aprile that he was to build a wheelchair ramp on Beansie. After playing Richie Aprile on The Sopranos, Proval appeared in films such as Smokin’ Aces (2006). It's mot about the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. Davey Scatino is a former classmate of Tony's who owns a sporting goods store; his son, Eric, is a classmate of Meadow's and they are going to sing a duet at the school's cabaret night. When Tony and Richie begin feuding, Janice exacerbates the situation by telling Richie that he is being unfairly treated and even suggests making a move against Tony. A few episodes into it, Gigi is made Capo of the crew. Richie Aprile was the hero in season 2. With that in mind, we've compiled a list of the show's most despicable characters, ranked from least to most. Sean Gismonte: shot in the head in self-defense by Christopher Moltisanti. By the start of Season 1, DiMeo is in ailing health and is serving a. He expresses outrage about Chris hitting Adriana but adds that he won't intervene if she gets beaten while married. Giacomo Michael "Jackie" Aprile (April 11, 1954 - September 9, 1998), played by Michael Rispoli, was the Boss of the DiMeo crime family. David Proval launched his acting career with a starring role in Mean Streets (1973), directed by Martin Scorsese, and has been working nonstop ever since. And he was a friend of Tony’s. was Meadow Soprano's boyfriend and the son of former family boss Jackie Aprile, Sr. to Chris. ”Richie also begins working with Junior in secret, as they both patiently wait for an opportunity to dethrone Tony as the DiMeo family boss. Ercole " Eckley / Boot " DiMeo, was the founder and former longtime Boss of the DiMeo crime family . His father, Jackie Aprile, Sr. "Furio And Christopher Cut Richie Aprile, The Sopranos HDGiacomo Michael Jackie Aprile Sr. Richie returned home one night in a furious state after learning that his son Richard Aprile Jr. And say what you want about Tony, but at least he knew what it was like to lose a pet. Tony visits them there, witnessing Richie's son "Little Ricky" using the spacious foyer to practice ballroom dancing - something Richie does not approve of. Television Distribution. was born into North Jersey mafia royalty. ago. Google search keeps giving me David Proval and Jason Cerbone. Richie does disparage and defame his son publically because of his selfishness and devotion to the life, but the evidence showed that: The kid liked Richie enough to help him move and clean Ercole Soprano had a son, Corrado John Soprano Sr, who married Mariangela D'Agostino, neither of whom appeared on the show. "House Arrest" is the 11th episode of Season 2 of the HBO original series The Sopranos. Richie Aprile's Son. He's established a lucrative partnership with Slava's gang that sees hundreds of thousands of dollars in safe accounts on the Isle of Man. Think Murmur in the credit cards or Sean and Stupid with Wibistics. In S6E11, during the ‘Vito’s gay’ revelation, Silvio says “Say what you will about Richie Aprile, but when he found out his son was gay, he did the right thing: he disowned him. Vito and Richie. Ralphie any day of the week. Toodle-Fucking-Oo: Directed by Lee Tamahori. Richie happens to meet Janice at a yoga class and begins trying to revive the relationship they had years ago. "Someday, somebody is gonna wash out your mouth with soap. Uncle Junior: No, finish what you were gonna say. 1. Jackie Jr. “You know, David didn’t like holding the gun to Aida’s head,” Imperioli. Ayer llegando a el Dallas me estaciono camino a el pasillo que da a recepción y me sale un chino . Mikey Palmice 10 episodes, 1999-2004 Karen Young. Whatever happened to Richie’s house he went into witness protection… whatever happened there. ”. The main conflict is between Tony and Junior (Dominic Chianese), his uncle, as both want to be the new boss of the DiMeo crime family after the previous boss, Jackie Aprile (Michael Rispoli. He's earning millions per year. Agent Robyn Sanseverino 10 episodes, 2002-2006 Richard Maldone. , was once the acting boss of the DiMeo crime family, and his uncle Richie Aprile was a capo first under Ercole "Eckley" DiMeo, and then later under Tony Soprano. Jackie Aprile, Jr. Cifaretto is cunning and an excellent earner. Note: this season takes place from August 1999 to June 10 2000 Cast [] Starring [] James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano (13. jackie aprile 'in öz kardeşidir. Ralphie Cifaretto Posted on 11/20/18 at 10:22 am to LSUbase13. A member of the "younger generation" of mobsters, Christopher's erratic nature often puts him at odds with his boss and "uncle", Tony, who. Rosalie Aprile is a recurring character portrayed by Sharon Angela. Fun fact: Two of the capos that took over the Aprile crew technically died because of the mob's rigid view on homosexuality. By Philip Etemesi. Richie Aprile was a capo with in the dimeo crime family. Tony and Janice’s youngest sister is another character that one would expect to make an appearance in The Many Saints of Newark. On a visit to the July 27. Richie Aprile: Well I forgot already. I'm from the "old-school". Beansie is not family (or Family) and visiting Ritchie is a family thing. He was bothered by the fact that. Tremendous moxie for his size. Tony Was Supposed To Kill Livia. Richie Aprile (David Proval) is Jackie Aprile's older brother. He was a capo in the DiMeo crime family and led the Aprile crew. Small and weak, he struggled to work and relied on Pop to help protect him at the prison. Between the two assaults on Beansie, Richie meets with Uncle Junior and pledges his loyalty to him. She says “you like the dark?” or something along those lines and all he says is “yea…something like that”. right after when Tony is telling the guys about it in the back room at the Bing, Sil says, “One thing you can say for Richie Aprile. Who killed Richie Aprile in this regard? Following that, the question is whether Janice kills Richie in what episode. Parents as People: His son, Justin, was inadvertently shot in the chest by an arrow while playing an unsupervised game of mock The Lord of the Rings with a. Angela has appeared in several films such as Cabaret Maxinef, The Hungry Ghosts, Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai, On the Run, and Two. His rivalry with Tony, his connections with New York, his relationship with his brother's wife and son, the old school violence, his efficiency and ruthlessness would have been appealing. I also noticed overtime that The Sopranos has had a lot of issues with establishing characters’ ages. He also basically told Melfi his son wasn't like him — "like us," as he described Jackie Jr. Seems the feds had a powerful hold on him. Disclaimer: All copyrights belong to HBO. Corrado John "Junior" Soprano Jr. This leads to Scantino falling $45,000 into debt to Tony. , and is likely bisexual. Dickie’s surrogate son, Tony, has Oedipal impulses too. It was the Aprile brothers, Richie and in particular Jackie Aprile Snr that gave Beansie the start up capital and put him in action in the H business. According to The Sopranos, A Family History, Peter Paul Gualtieri, son of Gennaro Gualtieri (although Paulie's biological father was later revealed to be a World War II era soldier named "Russ"), has been a troubled street kid. Some sad shit, motherfucker said he put it back in drive. My personal favorite Character was Junior Soprano. Ralph killed that 20 year strippers for hitting him. It’s quite possible that when Johnny died, his crew was divided, with Junior getting some guys…And Jackie Aprile getting others. I don't make a profit from uploading this content and I never will, I am ju. involved in mob business -- Jackie Jr. , played by Michael Rispoli, is a fictional character on the HBO original series The Sopranos. ereter49. However, despite his lineage, Jackie, Jr. Richie later visits Davey at his store to collect payment. Vito Spatafore Sr. He isn. Liz La Cerva is the mother of Adriana La Cerva. Ray Abruzzo. He out for a week and has no interest in women. Richie has been. Albert declined. Title reference. After a brief time during which he acted as a mentor to young Tony. However, this would prove unnecessary. Albert was. When he returned from prison after 10 years, he came to a very different organization, as Tony is now the boss of the family. Daniel Fox, Nov 25, 2017. It was Ricky when he was 12 years old. ESTJ. Aprile became boss after DiMeo was sentenced to life in prisonn, but his reign was short-lived; he died of stomach cancer in September 1998, leading to a brief power struggle between Junior. You look like you're on drugs. Richie. As Tony Soprano's childhood friend and former mentor, Richie's return to the fold significantly altered the power dynamics within the New Jersey mafia scene, fueling. he refers to “Augie Aprile” when in reality he’s referring to Jackie Sr. The character is also remembered for having trash dumped on an angry customer's driveway. Dr Melfi refers Carmela to her Jewish colleague who warns her and refuses to take her money. He runs three pizza joints in New Jersey, and receives a visit from a member of Tony’s crew. Romano was born in Brooklyn, New York, on October 20, 1956, the son of anGiacomo Michael "Jackie" Aprile Jr. Tony rules against Pauile. It takes a weird kind of mother to try and kill her son, but that’s what Livia does early in the series. 's death, all stemming from a story he told the youngster while dating his mother Rosalie. Richie Aprile had that dead-eyed, unblinking stare he did, particularly on anyone who pissed him off. Richie Aprile : [Eventually referring to Jackie April Jr] Carries my name: Richard. Carmela. Tony egg gets killed by Tony-uncle-whoever. Audio fix version here: Jr Can't stop Bringing up his Father. Earlier when Richie first meets Christopher, he warns him not to lay hands on Adriana. Yes, eggs means death on the Sopranos, Adrianna offered to make Christopher eggs before she was killed. Monetization is disabled on this channel. (born 1922) was front boss of the DiMeo crime family from 1998 to 2006, succeeding Jackie Aprile Sr. Matthew was Sean Gismonte's partner-in-crime and an associate in the Soprano crew. He served 10 years in prison during Richie's stay there Jackie (who was the Family boss) passed away and was succeeded by Tony. "For every 20 wrongs a child does, ignore 19," is among The Sopranos' best Janice quotes. Peter Gaeta is a recurring character portrayed by Paul Herman. The Legacy of a man who was a nobody who had a father wh. Christopher "Chris" Moltisanti, frequently referred to as Chrissy is a mobster and nightclub owner, who was a made man in the Soprano crime family, under Tony Soprano. Aprile after being shot. Anyhow, nobody knows how tall he really is, since he wears thick-soled shoes, and his head has expanded in size because of all the HGH. I just finished the second season collection. Richie Aprile came to challenge Soprano by selling cocaine on his garbage routes and by disobeying his orders, but Aprile was killed in an unrelated domestic dispute, coincidentally with Tony's sister Janice. By the fucked up mafia code, Beansie did owe Richie a piece of his business because Richie financed him when he was moving H. “Everybody. hapisten çıktığı gibi janice soprano ile kırıştırmaya başlamıştır. 67 'Wooden Rice Paddle Versatile Serving Spoons' laid lengthwise. : Richie's nephew and son of Rosalie Aprile and the late Jackie Aprile, Sr. He was a capo in the DiMeo crime family and led the Aprile crew. When Talking Sopranos co-host Michael Imperioli asked him how he approached the Richie Aprile character, Proval revealed his thought process. Tony Soprano was born on August 22, 1959 [1] [2] in Newark, New Jersey, the second child and only son of DiMeo crime family capo Johnny Soprano and his wife Livia. Gannascoli, is a fictional character on the HBO TV series The Sopranos. Not yet, anyway. Richard "Dickie" Moltisanti, was a Soldier and later Capo in the DiMeo Crime Family, and the main character of The Many Saints of Newark. My theory is that Richie really wasn't into yoga but wanted a convenient excuse to meet Janice alone away from Tony. , the son of Tony's deceased friend and previous Jersey boss, is envious of Christopher's new promotion. Fun fact: Two of the capos that took over the Aprile crew technically died because of the mob's rigid view on homosexuality. And crews don’t work like monarchies where the son by default inherits it. Richie Aprile's corpse was later carved up in Satriale's by Christopher Moltisanti and Furio Giunta in May 2000. The Apriles lose a lot of their family. The DiMeo Crime Family, more well known as the Soprano Crime Family, is a fictional Italian American Mafia Crime Syndicate based in New Jersey, and the protagonistic group in The Sopranos. Click to expand . Silvio to Paulie Gualtieri Silvio Manfred Dante is a major character on The Sopranos. Giacomo Michael "Jackie" Aprile Jr. He was bothered by the fact that Richard could be gay. . Tony would win for sure. Ralph "Ralphie" Cifaretto is one of the main antagonists of the HBO television series The Sopranos. and the nephew of capo Richie Aprile. " Played by Aida Turturro After graduating high school, Janice joined an ashram in Los Angeles, changing her name to "Parvati Wasatch," in 1978. , someone who didn't know what fucking gutters were. He was murdered during a domestic dispute in 2000. Janice F. When Richie's brother Jackie and his friend Tony Soprano robbed Feech La manna's card game and Feech wanted them killed Richie stepped in to help them. He meets Janice at a yoga centre and that is the beginning of their relationship. But I think Ralph has the most redeeming qualities cause he was the smarter business man. Minutes before Richie died, he was complaining about his son asking for money to go to a dance contest.